For sometime I thought it was my "calling" to help people. Don't get me wrong this is very exciting to know my part in this thing we all call life, BUT as I go throughout living I find that I am only "helping" people who don't want help. So. I think to myself....What the HELL?!? Why wouldn't someone want to better their life? Why would someone want to constantly surround themselves with negativity? AND Why can't they see their self for the amazing person they could be? Beats me, and you know what? I'm done. I'm tired of beating myself up on a day-to-day basis trying figure out what I could do to help.
Lord forgive me, but this task that you have given me is rather impossible.
I guess this isn't a worthless task, and it's not impossible. I now know that more than most people that need your help will ask for it, and the ones that don't aren't ready. I guess I have learned that no matter how hard I try to "fix" someone... They can only fix themselves. I'm still here, and I'm not giving up on what I was put here for.
~Ashley Nichole