Wednesday, May 5, 2010

And I jumped...

I could of taken the easy way out and moved in with my parents. I could of taken the easy way out and moved in with a friend, but no. I moved into my house. My poor little house that hasn't had any love in it in 21 years. That's when we moved out 21 years ago. That's when my parents decided it was time for something new. And here I am in the house where my parents brought me home from the hospital. Where they were so in love it was sickning. And here I am, little me. On my own, scared as shit, but I'm doing it. I'm growing. I'm remodeling and wiping away the dust. Oh life. I'm thankful for all of it. I'm actually really spoiled in a weird sort of way. It's how you look at life. It's how you think you want your life to be. I think everyday that I'm really lucky. I'm very blessed. And you should too. Take it all in.

LOVE THIS MIX!   Puts me in the best mood.

My feet are dirty. My mind is clean.
I have a test tomorrow, I should be studying.
Instead I'm making soap.
I need to get cupcakes for class tomorrow as well,
I hate most of those bitches in my class they can go to hell.
I'm oh so tired but I know I won't be able to sleep,
Wish my last boyfriend wasn't such a creep.
I love my life, you should love yours too.
Gott'a go, got lots to do

-Ashley Nichole

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