Monday, March 19, 2012

Kitchen Aid, my mixer.

For as long as people have been getting married I feel that Kitchen Aid mixers have been given as gifts.
I've wanted one for a very long while but I'm in no rush to get married.
Here's the story of how I got mine....

Ryan's neighbors were moving and said we could have anything in their house.
His roommates had said something about a mixer being in the kitchen and I was determined to get my little hands on that bad boy.
So, on St. Patrick's day I woke up at 8 am and ran next door. I got Ryan a camera and a ton of yarn, material... You know things we really need. Ahhem.
So I go in the kitchen, I wanted to cry. Not only was it rather pathetically disgusting but there was nothing in there! Not a damned thing.
I started to leave when I looked to the left and saw that the dining room was covered in boxes.... And there she was, my perfectly grotesque, neglected mixer. 
Before you knew it I was on the front porch with a bottle of Spic and Span scrubbing my heart out.

My little mixer has a home now. She beams white with sterilization and joy to be finally appreciated again. Booohhhyaaaa grandma! I got the damned mixer I've been dreaming of.
So I guess that's what you have to do. Focus on things you really want. I know this is a rather petty example but it's an example. It may have not come in a box with lots of Styrofoam to clog up the landfills, but it's mine.Visualize what you want, clearly. You will get it, maybe not in the exact form of how you imagined it, but you will get it.
 Hence your life.....!!!!

I hope this is soaking through....
-Ashley Nichole

And P.S. there's nothing wrong with going out and spending $300+ dollars on one of these if you have the money, but I wouldn't recommend it. Get married and put it on your registry.

1 comment:

chyleina said...

I am dyyyying for that damned mixer.