Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Doors that open, doors that close.

There are doors in life that are closed, closed for a reason and maybe a reason unknown.

Then there are doors that open, unknowing of what they might bring.

Accept things that come your way. You can have a pity party all your life and push positive things away but that will get you nowhere. Know that you are unique and accept that, regardless of the things that have happen in your past. Learn from them. Strive to be an optimistic person, better than who you were yesterday.
    I'm not saying to never be pessimistic because there is a time and place for that but it shouldn't consume your life. It's unhealthy and nothing good can come of it. I PROMISE. Like attracts like.
I know, I know, easier said than done but start small. Start believing in yourself.

If you want to loose weight remind yourself that it doesn't happen over night.
If you want to get better grades remind yourself that it takes a lot of hard work and studying.

Nothing you every really want will be easy, because if it was easy,  you wouldn't want it.

Think about it,
-Ashley Nichole

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