Monday, October 10, 2011

Ashes, Ashes, We All Fall Down... or do we?

When I use the word "fall", I think of two things. "Fall" as in: I fell over second base in kickball and skinned my knee. Or I think of falling in love. Oh, love. Just me and him.
But what about falling as in the dealings of life? The world is going to keep spinning, like it or not. If we find our lives not to be , humm what's the word? Not up to standard we'll say, in which we pictured, we start to fall out of our lives and into the deep, dark, bottomless pit. A pit of waste. Sometimes, for me, it feels like I'll never see the light again.
And I think, is this it?
I'm in hell aren't I?
Funny joke, God! I always thought you'd have more in store for me.
(And this is where another part of me kicks in and tell me tis my fault for not traveling in the direction of my dreams.)
Why must we have goals, dreams and all those other silly things people love to fabricate?
The majority of people only want to be famous because of the $$$. Is that it? Is that all life is worth? There's more, I know there is.
I will not, can not keep falling.
I can't look at my life as a little black cloud any longer. I don't know why I'm so bothered by this right now. Wait! Yes, why yes I do. It's because I'm 2_ and I'm back in school. For some reason that really bothers me. It's really wearing on me.
Cue little black cloud...
When will my real life start?
You idiot!!!
This is real life and it started 20 something years ago!!!

Shit, that's right!!

Gott'a run,
-Ashley Nichole

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